Auteur/autrice : Admin

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Classic Days

For the 1st time the meeting Les Classic Days has been organised in Le Mans – Bugatti the 6th and  7th of July. All was present on the circuit : 1600 cars, mixed of popular and exeptional,100 motor bikes, 30000 persons , pit lane open, about 300 cars on the track, and the sun during all…
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8 juillet 2019 0

Historic Autodrome

The 29th and 30th June our Club was present at the Historic Auto‘Drom show car in Nantes. The  theme for us was «  The Race ». Under a very strong sun we have presented  2 E Type semi –  lightweight ,1 C Type and a XKSS.  L’ ACO has lent us some automobilia, 24 Hours winner…
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29 juin 2019 0

Journée pour ces dames

The event we propose in June is dedicated at our wives named :  Journée pour ces Dames. These year, Marie Eve has organised a journey with, in the morning, the visit of the firm LONGCHAMP in the town of Pouzauges  and in the afternoon, the discovery of a medieval garden in a nearby village . LONGCHAMP…
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5 juin 2019 0

Côte de Granit Rose

Patrick  Diveu has proposed us a weekend  for a outing along the coast in the country of the Côte d’ Armor. After have joined again 5 crews of our JEC Jersey friends, the Saturday morning  we drive to Binic, St Quay Pontrieux wellknowned  for its beautiful beaches of white sand and the scallops, Paimpol famous…
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22 mai 2019 0

Ireland 2019

Article for the magazine of June Irland was the plan for the trip of our region in 2019. The 29 March 17 crews 33 persons take the ferry at Roscoff destination Cork. The first stage the 30 March was Cork to Dublin. We spend the Sunday in these town and visit Guinness Storehouse, Trinity College…
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24 avril 2019 0

Lorient, Histoires de Forteresses

Article for the April Magazine Lorient, History of Fortress was the appointment of the 23 and 24 February. On Saturday Bernard and Bernadette have prepared 2 visits for the group. – The Museum of the Compagnie des Indes, inside the Citadel, recalls the fantastic history of the big seaborne trade compagnies of the 17 and…
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21 mars 2019 0

Accord Vin & Swing

Article for the May Magazine Appointment at the Moulin Touchais in the vineyard of Anjou for an Accord Vins // Swing. 230 years old these vineyard is one of the most traditional estate which as built his notoriety on the production of the sweet white wine Coteau du Layon. The degustation was escorted by music…
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21 mars 2019 0

Exemples de Galleries

Gallerie modula Gallerie envira Une autre galerie qui a sa propre page ici

22 février 2019 0

Sortie Welcome 2019

Article for the March magazine The 27th of January was our first event of 2019. 16 crews , 31 persons are  found again in Le Croisic a fish harbour on the atlantic coast near La Baule. In the morning we meet again  some members of the SNSM ( Société National de Sauvetage en Mer) the lifeboat…
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21 février 2019 0

Bienvenu sur le site du club !

Bienvenue sur le site du club Jec Ouest. Bonne visite sur notre nouveau site internet !

14 novembre 2018 0